Updates to the Cruelty Free & Vegan Brand List
One thing that many Logical Harmony readers may not realize is that the Cruelty Free & Vegan Brand List is updated about once a week. In an effort to be more transparent with readers about these updates a recap will be posted once or twice a month of the brands who have been added to various sections of the list. That way, it will make it easier for you to stay up to date on what brands have been contacted and what their responses have been.
Brands added to the cruelty free and vegan brand list are brands who have confirmed they are completely cruelty free and have vegan options, if not being 100% vegan. This means that they have confirmed they do not test the products on animals as a finished product, during production, to comply with local and regional laws or use ingredients that have been tested on animals. This list does include brands who are cruelty free but have a parent company that tests on animals, but in cases like this it will be noted next to the brand. Brands recently added to the brands to love section –
- Makeup Geek
- Marc Anthony
- Meow Meow Tweet
- Mystical House
- Sibu
- Swagger Cosmetics
The grey area section is for brands that have responded, but I have been unable to get a clear response from. Typically these are brands who say that they are cruelty free, but won’t speak to production, finished product, ingredient suppliers or testing to comply with local laws. Brands recently added to the grey area section –
- BH Cosmetics
- Napoleon Perdis
- The All Natural Face (does not provide a way to get in touch with them)
Brands added to the brands to avoid section are those who have confirmed that they test on animals themselves, to comply with local and regional laws, or use ingredient suppliers that test on animals. Brands recently added to the brands to avoid section –
Brands added to the pending brands section are those that I have recently been reached out to with questions about their stance on animal testing and use of animal ingredients. Brands recently added to the pending brands section –
- Anastasia Beverly Hills
- Bioderma
- Coola Suncare
- Illamasqua
- Laura Geller
- Mario Badescu
- Paula’s Choice (second outreach)
- Pixi
Curious about a brand and don’t see it on the full list of cruelty free and vegan brands? Please leave a comment there and let me know!
Are you sure that Bioderma is not testing on animals?
They are selling in China (and their laws are
that every company that sells their product must test on animals). Thank u for the answer.
Hi Ana,
Bioderma is on the Pending section of the brands list and not listed as cruelty-free. This means that I am looking into them to find out more details. 🙂 Bioderma hasn’t made it onto another section of the list yet. I hope this helps!
Glossier is a brand new makeup brand by the founders of Into the Gloss–the state that they do not test on animals. So far it’s just foundation and skincare, but they will be releasing more products in the future.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for suggesting Glossier! We have reached out to them and they will be added to the Pending Brands list. Please check back for updates to see where they move to on the list. This will depend on how fast I hear back from them, but they will be included in future weekly update posts about the brands list. Have a great day!
Thanks for the info.
Regarding Paula’s Choice, I know they’ve recently joined the Cruelty-free International (‘leaping bunny’) scheme, which has fairly strict rules, apart from the issue of cruelty-free companies owned by others that are not c-free (not the case for Paula’s Choice as far as I know).
[email protected]
They used to have a contact form on their site but I know they just went through a re-design so maybe it’s hidden/hasn’t been put up yet.
Thank you so much for this list, but, what about nivea and batiste?
Do you have information from them?
lUCKY cosmetics, are they really cruelty free * they make soap, douche gels etc.