South Korea Animal Testing Bill Still in Progress
Working towards an animal testing ban in South Korea has been a huge focus for Humane Society International (HSI) this year. They are currently in South Korea to speak to policy makers about the proposed draft bill and encourage them to make the best decisions for animals.
This press release was very important for me to share because I have been seeing a lot of reports stating that a ban has been approved and a timeline has been put into place. The truth is that a proposed bill has been drafted and nothing has been approved or confirmed.
LONDON (2 March. 2015) – In response to recent reports that South Korea has confirmed a date for a ban on animal testing of cosmetics, Humane Society International issues this statement:
No bill has yet been published or finalised in South Korea and so news releases suggesting otherwise are premature. A draft bill has been proposed, which Humane Society International has seen, but it is still in the discussion phase and in our opinion requires some additional work in order to deliver the robust ban on all cosmetics animal testing that Korean consumers want to see.
HSI’s Global #BeCrueltyFree Campaigns Director Claire Mansfield is in Seoul right now meeting with the lead bill sponsor and other policy makers and regulators, in order to progress the bill in the right direction. It is far too early to welcome a bill that is not yet complete and that does not yet meet all the objectives of ending animal testing in the cosmetics industry. Welcoming a bill too early is also counter-productive, making it more challenging for those of us engaged in improving bill language to actually achieve the best result for animals.
It is important to spread awareness that the bill has not yet been passed. This keeps the pressure on the decision-makers in South Korea to work towards creating a bill that really makes a change in regards to animal testing. HSI is there to help the decision-makers in South Korea make sure that the final draft of the bill is one that will really make a positive change for the animals.
As consumers, we want these bills to be passed to not only save lives, but also to show other decision-makers world-wide that these bans need to start happening in more countries.