Lush Prize 2016 – A Grant to Reduce Animal Testing
Each year, Lush runs a grant program called Lush Prize. Over $1.3 million has already been awarded by Lush to help reduce and eliminate animal testing. Started in 2012, Lush Prize is a partnership between Lush Cosmetics and Ethical Consumer to support work that will aid in the reduction of animal testing and cruelty-free research. Its sole focus is on helping those who are trying to eliminate animal testing through other alternatives. In fact, it is the largest grant available for funding animal testing alternatives and work that will eliminate the use of animals in labs. Each year, there are often several innovative winners who receive grants to help with their work in this field.
The Lush Prize program has become very important to the cruelty-free beauty movement for a couple of big reasons. Not only does it help those who are developing alternatives to animal testing, but it also brings lots of awareness to the cruelty-free movement each year and helps many consumers realize how unnecessary animal testing is in this day and age.
Each year, the Lush Prize program offers $360,000 to lobbyists, educators, scientists and researchers who are working toward animal testing-free solutions. In 2016, for the very first time, Lush Prize is offering an additional prize fund of $75,000 USD to young scientists from North and South America that are pursuing a career in toxicity testing without the use of animals. This is a truly great step in the right direction and it’s very exciting to see Lush bring even more awareness to the cruelty-free movement through this program.
Nominations for the 2016 Lush Prize are now open and will close at midnight on July 24th
This year, the Lush Prize is offering $75,000 USD to Young Scientists in North and South America who have been working towards the goal of replacing animals in chemical safety testing.
The Young Researcher Award, which focuses on scientists in the early stages of their career, is open to keen young scientists (up to 35 years at the time of application) with a desire to fund the next stage of a career focused on finding alternatives to animal testing.
“Besides financial support, the Lush Prize has been helpful for giving our research program more widespread recognition,” said Jeremy Caplin, winner of the 2015 Young Researcher Prize. “The prize has resulted in an invited presentation at the World Preclinical Congress 3D Cellular Models conference, which will be held in Boston in mid-June. We are proud of this accomplishment and believe it will help bring more interest into our research project.”
Because toxicology has for so long been centered on animal testing, many scientists with concerns about the use of animals are deterred from becoming toxicologists. Those who do enter the field can find that access to funding for working on non-animal tests can be a barrier.
The Regional Young Researcher Prize is designed to give scientists the funds needed to continue innovating in the field of toxicology without the need for animals.
Nominations for the Lush Prize: Young Researchers are open until midnight on July 24, 2016.
There will be five winners from North or South America to win the first regional award—with bursaries of $15,000 USD each (for a total of $75,000 USD).
Nominations can either be made by the individual themselves or by their academic colleagues using the main website forms at:
About the Lush Prize
The Lush Prize is a partnership between Lush Cosmetics and Ethical Consumer to support animal-free toxicology and is designed to reward groups or individuals working in the field of cruelty-free scientific research, awareness-raising and lobbying to help bring an end to animal testing. The $360,000 USD annual prize fund is the biggest prize in the non-animal testing sector, and the only one to focus solely on the replacement of animal tests. It seeks to focus pressure on safety testing for consumer products in a way that complements projects already addressing the animal testing of medicines.
You can read more about past winners of the Lush Prize grant and their work on the Lush Prize Past Years page. It’s amazing to see what developments groups and invidivuals around the world are working on in order to eliminate animal testing.
Love cruelty free.i didn’t know this was cruelty free.
I never knew this before. So kudos to LUSH! We need more (many many more) such brands.
And thank you for sharing, Tashina 🙂