Logical Harmony for Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine
It has been a week of big announcements here at Logical Harmony! Now available in stores is the March/April issue of Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine. Featured in this issue is an article I wrote about the best skin care and cosmetics for athletes! The article features some of my favorite products from Ellovi, Acure Organics, Schmidt’s Deodorant, NCLA, and Lush. All items included are, of course, vegan and from cruelty free companies.
Growing up, one of my career aspiration was to be a writer with the goal of having an article in National Geographic. I wanted to go travel and live in the plains in Africa and write about how the ivory trade was effecting elephant populations, how resource depletion was effecting the migration patterns of meerkats, etc. While my long-term goals have changed slightly, it was still amazing and exciting to me when my boyfriend sent me this picture of Vegan Health and Fitness located directly next to National Geographic on the magazine rack at Whole Foods.
I’m so honored to have been a part of this issue. Thank you so much to the Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine team, especially their Editor Brenda and Associate Editor Christy (of The Blissful Chef). Thank you so much for this opportunity! I am honored to be featured in the pages of such a well known and respected magazine. Other contributors to the March/April issue are Samantha Shorkey, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Tess Challis, Robert Cheeke, and more.
If you like my article, please write to Vegan Health and Fitness and let them know!
Pick up your own issue at Whole Foods and Barnes & Noble locations around the US, and is also available in many countries around the world. You can also subscribe to either digital or print copies of the magazine.