Urban Decay Promises To Remain Cruelty Free

The past few months have been pretty crazy for fans of Urban Decay who only use cruelty free and/or vegan cosmetics. First the brand announced their plans to sell in China (where animal testing is required by law), then they went back on that decision. Last week it was announced that L’Oreal bought Urban Decay. L’Oreal is notoriously known as one of the worst offenders when it comes to animal testing, so this raised quite a lot of questions for the once outspoken cruelty free brand. Now the brand has assured PETA that they will not be testing their products on animals.
I am very happy to hear that PETA worked with Urban Decay to get this statement in writing. To many, Urban Decay having a parent company that tests on animals is enough to make them ditch the brand regardless of their own stance. For another large number, the flip flopping of the brand over the past several months is also enough for them to not want to support Urban Decay. On the other hand, I can’t imagine it being easy to be a cruelty free brand that has just been bought out by a company like L’Oreal and how difficult it must be to preserve the brands original morals.
While I as an individual will not be supporting the brand, and you will not see their products featured on Logical Harmony, I am glad that they have decided to not sell in China like the majority of L’Oreal brands. In an ideal world Urban Decay would have never sold to a parent company that tests on animals like L’Oreal does, but them remaining a cruelty free brand is better than nothing. I choose to leave the parent company issue up to readers, but I do believe that having access to information on all cruelty free brands with vegan options is important for everyone – even if you don’t purchase the brand yourself.
Source: PETA
This company 15 years ago was all about no animal testing. There old packages said “how could anyone?”. The new packaging says nothing. I will never use there product again regardless if they’re cruelty free.
I get it but how do you expect change to happen if companies with a strong cruelty-free background don’t get into that market and help foster healthy dialogue and educate others. Let’s be fair, China’s view on testing (and animals in general), much like most of Asia, is not out of malice but rather it’s cultural. Our culture had a careless view of African Americans in our country not that long ago. How can you expect China to change if every cruelty-free brand just stays out of such a huge market. Just saying.
Hi Erica!
I don’t believe that testing on animals is a cultural issue. Animal testing has long been shown to not be a reliable method of testing the safety of products. The Chinese government has access to in vitro tests that are funded for them by organizations in the US and Europe. These tests are not only more effective at predicting if the product could harm humans, but are also more cost effective. This is something that many are actively trying to assist with. Being concerned for the safety of your residents is something all governments are concerned with worldwide.
Brands that enter the market are not the ones contributing to these changes. They are just entering a market where they see a potential to make money. If a brand is willing to change their stance on animal testing to make more money, they clearly do not have a strong background in cruelty free cosmetics and are just about doing what gets them more revenue.
i will NOT be supporting Urban Decay either . i am super turned off and disturbed by the “flipping ” back and forth. Not to mention the fact that L’Oreal bought them.
I’m uncomfortable with this and I will not purchase anything from UD simply because I don’t trust L’Oreal.
UD was on my list of brands to try but now that they are owned by a company like L’Oreal I am completely put off from even bothering. In the past I’ve used brands that suddenly flipped to the dark side + honestly it stung quite a bit.
yep, I never bought something from UD but no that L’Oreal has them, I won’t be buying a scratch from them at all.. I don’t want to support them and give money to L’Oreal mkay. good for you for not supporting them either 🙂