Is Marc Jacobs Beauty Cruelty-Free?

Is Marc Jacobs Beauty Cruelty-Free?

For a long time, Marc Jacobs Beauty has been on the Brands to Avoid list here on Logical Harmony. I’ve been back in touch with them on and off for a couple of years and, until recently, there didn’t seem to be much of a change communicated in their policies around animal testing. From the consumer perspective, asking, “Is Marc Jacobs Beauty cruelty-free?”, would often turn up a large variety of answers. Thankfully, I have had some really productive talks with them over the past couple of months and am happy to share that Marc Jacobs Beauty has now been added to the Cruelty-Free Brand List!

Is Marc Jacobs Beauty cruelty-free? The answer is yes! Marc Jacobs Beauty is cruelty-free – there is no animal testing occurring anywhere!

Previously Marc Jacobs Beauty was on the Brands to Avoid list because they told myself and others that they did test their products on animals when required by law and that they did not require their ingredient suppliers to be cruelty-free. This was concerning because the answers that they used to give were also not consistent. I am glad that I was able to talk to them and sort through things.

I can now say that Marc Jacobs Beauty is not selling in any markets that require animal testing and they do require that their ingredient suppliers be cruelty-free.

Are there any Marc Jacobs Beauty vegan products? I am currently working with the brand on a list of the vegan products from Marc Jacobs Beauty that can be shared.

Are Marc Jacobs Fragrances cruelty-free too? No. Marc Jacobs Fragrances are not cruelty-free. It is a separate company from Marc Jacobs Beauty. The fragrance company is owned by Coty and they do test on animals when required by law. Marc Jacobs Beauty is owned by Kendo, who does not test on animals.

If you were curious about the Marc Jacobs Beauty cruelty-free status and animal testing stance, hopefully this helps to clear some things up.


  1. Hello Tashina,

    Could you please inform me about marc jacobs’ new shameless foundation’s statut? Vegan? Non vegan?

    Can’t wait for you to establish the list with them! 🙂

    Thank you very much for your very valuable work on listing brands. It is a huge help!

  2. Is Velvet Noir mascara vegan? I thought it was but I’ve just read somewhere it isn’t but I don’t know why. I read the ingredients list and it seemed vegan to me. I would like to be sure :/

  3. Hey tashina. Are there any updates regarding the Marc jacobs vegan list? I love so many of their products and don’t know whether or not I should stick with them or replace them with vegan alternatives. Thank you!

      1. Thank you for replying. I emailed back and forth over and over and kept hitting a wall and getting no info too. Even if they’re cruelty free and I’m sure some products are vegan, they just put a really bad taste in my mouth with how secretive they’re being about their ingredient sourcing. They wouldn’t even answer about specific ingredients.

    1. Kendo does own several beauty brands, including Kat Von D Beauty, Fenty, Ole Henriksen, Bite Beauty and others. Kendo is also a sister company to Sephora and both are owned by the LVMH conglomerate. LVMH is a group of businesses, and while they do own some brands that do test on animals, LVMH is just a business group.

      1. Thank you for this clarification! Your website has been such a useful tool in my research towards going cruelty free. You have so much useful information on here, it also makes it easy to try and purchase vegan products as well!

  4. Hi Tashina. Any updates on a vegan list for Marc jacobs? So hard to find info and hate to overlook one of the only designer cruelty free brands because I can’t figure out what’s vegan.

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