Benefit Cosmetics is Not Cruelty Free

If there is a company with a public stance on animal testing more confusing than Benefit Cosmetics, I’ve yet to find it. It’s taken me over a year to find a stable and steady stance from this brand. When Logical Harmony first changed to being a vegan beauty blog, I received six different replies from Benefit about their stance on animal testing. Six! That was enough for me to assume that they were not a company I wanted to support, but until I had something stable, I wasn’t comfortable posting about them on Logical Harmony.
Continue reading Benefit Cosmetics is Not Cruelty Free!
When you go to Benefit’s FAQ page, they have a published stance on animal testing there.
Benefit does not test our cosmetic products on animals. When selecting the ingredients to be used in our cosmetic products, Benefit requires raw material suppliers to provide safety information based on scientifically accepted alternative testing methods that meet international safety standards and regulations. Benefit products must meet both consumers’ needs and consumer safety, while respecting animal life. Benefit continues to strongly support & favor alternative testing and is committed to following all animal testing laws and regulations in order to ensure our products’ safety for the end consumer
At first glance, many people assume that the above statement means that Benefit is, in fact, a cruelty free company. They talk about respecting animal life, and start the response by saying that they do not test on animals. They even mention their ingredient suppliers. However, “international safety standards” is what caught my eye and prompted me to do more research.
After a bit of digging, I discovered that Benefit is not a cruelty free brand. Their products are for sale on the Sephora China website. China is one of the few markets that require that beauty products be tested on animals before they can be sold there. You can read more about this by reading Animal Testing and China. By selling in China, Benefit shows that they are not completely doing their part to respect animal life and be cruelty free.
This is a perfect example of how brands often use confusing wording in their statements in order to confuse consumers. Since there is no regulation of the term “cruelty free”, it makes it easy for brands to claim this status when they are still conducting animal testing in some way, or permitting it to be conducted on their behalf. Before I switched to a vegan lifestyle and was not as savvy about checking the cruelty free status of brands, Benefit was my favorite cosmetic brand. I’ve frequently gotten emails from readers asking me to include Benefit in my cruelty free lists, or asking me about their stance on testing. Since I could not get a steady response, I wasn’t comfortable addressing the brand in any way. I am incredibly disappointed that this company would choose to mislead consumers in this way.
I urge you to reach out to Benefit Cosmetics and let them know how you feel about their stance on animal testing. Especially if you were a consumer that, due to the statement on their own website, thought that they were cruelty free.
If you could do an article on Vegan doops for Benefit Cosmetics Boing Concealer and Lash Roller Mascara that would be amazing. I am newly vegan (3 days) and putting animal products on my face disgusts me. Thank you so much for your amazing blog!
Hi Tashina, do you know if this information regarding Benefit is still true today? They have changed their response to this question on their website, but it still feels…too wordy.
Hi Kim,
Sadly it is. 🙁
Oh boo I fell for that and just got some more foundation! I find make up is the hardest when it comes to cruelty free products
Benefit say on their website they don’t test on animals! I am so confused right now…
Sadly, they do test when required by law. It’s not in their response on the FAQ page, but is in the response they email to customers who ask for information.
Any brand sold in China is required by China to test on animals. Benefit Cosmetics is, in fact, sold in China therefore on Benefits behalf they are allowing their product to be tested on animals. It’s a matter of greed on behalf of Benefit that they are completely knowledgeable of this but want their brand sold in a country that they know tests on animals. Benefit is NOT CRUELTY FREE!! Please put the word out there to help these innocent animals from the terribly cruel testing they’re exposed to all in the name of beauty. More people need to care about these animals subject to such terrible suffering.
I appreciate your hard work to do this research so that the rest of us will know too. Thank you!
Question, so everything sold in Sephora China- all the cosmetic brands sold here are animal tested?
That is correct. In order to sell in China, brands must agree to comply with the government required animal testing.
As of July 2014 China isn’t testing on Animals. I read something about it from the Humane Society. Maybe you can follow this up with Benefit now.
Hi Karen,
Unfortunately, those changes would not effect any large or international brands. You can read more here.
However, a lot of NYX products are manufactured in China (PRC). EEEW!
Thank you for your work, Tashina.
This deserves its place on the first page of Google results.
NYX Doll Eye Volume mascara is a good alternative to Benefit They’re Real.
Hey thanks for the suggestion! Where can you buy that? I think I always get confused with NYX and NYC .
Hi Monica,
NYX is sold at most of the big stores in the USA, at Target in Australia, at Next in the UK, and at Sephora in Asia.
An easy way to remember the difference:
NYX: has an X for Excellence
NYC: has a C for Cruelty.
All the best,
NYX is now owned by Loreal, which is not a cruelty-free brand. Will not be supporting NYX anymore!
L’oreal does not test on animals themselves but they do sell in China.
They are actually working on ending animal testing there.
NO! NXY parent company is L’Oreal – one of the most egregious animal testing companies out there.
At the time the comment was posted, NYC was independently owned. I don’t think they meant to steer anyone wrong. 🙂
I’m so glad I noticed this. I received a sample of Benefit’s They’re Real mascara and it instantly became my favorite. I was excited to see the “does not test on animals” on the back and I was going to go to Sephora to buy a full size tube. I’m pretty naive I guess and believe things I read. I’m so glad I came across your site and learned about the rules/laws, special wording, certain ingredients, selling in China, etc. Now I know how to buy all my cruelty free cosmetics. Thanks again!
You aren’t naive! It is just hard to trust a lot of companies since there is no regulation of the term “cruelty free”! Since their animal testing is done required by law and by a 3rd party, they can technically print “not tested on animals” on their products. At least now you know to avoid them going forward. 🙂