I Used BACH Homeopathic Flower Remedies for a Month and I Was Surprised by What Happened #ad
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of BACH. The opinions and text are all mine.
I’ve talked a lot in videos about my experiences with various forms of stress and how I have handled (or, let’s be real, not handled) it. If you’ve been a long-time follower or someone who knows me offline, then you know that I do not shy away from alternative methods of healing. I use aromatherapy and crystals. I believe that herbs and flowers can impact our bodies and our emotions. I understand that at first glance it may not be for everyone, but hear me out.
Some time ago, I started using Rescue Remedy Stress Relief Drops to help manage some of the stress that I do feel. After being a regular customer for some time, BACH reached out and offered to help me create my own custom BACH Remedy experience to try out. I was really interested because I loved the idea of incorporating a custom blend into my daily self-care routine. When you have a custom blend, it’s meant to target how you are feeling at that time. Our emotions can change depending on circumstances, but for some of us we have things we feel often.
In this post, I will be sharing details about the process, my BACH custom remedy, and the impact that it has had so far. The claims for these products are based on traditional homeopathic practice. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. As always, consult with your doctor or medical practitioner before incorporating new products.
So what are the flower remedies? There are 38 plant and flower based remedies from BACH. They are made using spring water infused with wild flowers. This is done either by the sun-steeped method or by boiling. The BACH Flower Remedies have been used for more than 80 years, by both people and pets, to help naturally balance the body and mind.
What’s also unique about the flower remedies is that, unlike most western medicines, they aren’t focused on physical ailments or medical issues. Instead, they are focused on emotional concerns such as anxiety, stress, being fearful, and lack a self-confidence. The idea is that the flower remedies gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions that interfere with your being as a whole.
While you can pick one Bach Flower Remedy to focus on one specific emotion, it may be helpful to go through the process of creating your own custom blend like I did. The process of creating my own custom remedy was really simple, but it took a lot of self-reflection. Going through the questionnaire was really helpful. You select all the statements that you can relate to, and then pick up to 7 different remedies to combine to create the custom remedy. Since there are 38 overall, it’s an interesting process and really eye-opening.
It was interesting to see what statements resonated with me and to start to think about them in relation to the individual BACH Flower Remedies in general. I found it really helpful that each remedy has some keywords and a bigger description of what each one could help with. I looked at the remedies that I had the most checked boxes in and then used the description to help narrow down which ones may be best for me.
My entire life, I have struggled with stress and feeling anxious, while also not wanting to acknowledge that I am stressed out or anxious and continuing to take on more and more. I set high standards for myself, even when I know I am taking on too much, and get very frustrated with myself for not meeting them. While I have often been someone who says yes to everything, there are also a lot of times where instead of tackling ways to make things manageable I simply will shut down and avoid situations completely. I have a hard time adjusting to change because I like to have things very planned out and very structured. I have a hard time adjusting those plans and changing the structure that I’ve put in place.
Considering that I work for myself, in an industry that often changes, these habits and patterns have made some situations and elements very difficult emotionally. I found myself often simply feeling too overwhelmed to do basic things. I would get overwhelmed, shut down, and just continue to feel anxious and overwhelmed while still continuing to say yes to projects and being upset that the quality wasn’t “perfect”.
The custom blend that I ended up with was agrimony, aspen, larch, rock water, and walnut.
- Agrimony – Mental torment behind a brave face. Appear care-free and humorous in order to mask anxieties and unhappiness.
- Aspen – Vague or unaccountable fears. Appearing agitated for no apparent reason.
- Larch – Lack of self-confidence or avoiding situations where they have to perform.
- Rock water – Is indicated when you are too strict and set too-high standards for yourself, to the point of self-domination and self-martyrdom.
- Walnut – Protection from outside influences and energies. Helps you adjust to major changes.
It sounded perfect for my needs and given my luck using the Rescue Remedy Stress Relief drops, I wanted to incorporate it into my routine immediately. BACH sent me the individual flower remedies and I mixed up my own custom blend and started taking it multiple times a day as directed.
To create my custom blend, I followed the easy instructions from BACH. To do this, I filled a 30 mL eye dropper mixing bottle three-quarters full with spring water. Then I added 2 drops of each
It’s now been about a month since I first started taking my custom blend regularly. As with anything, it took a while to see results. They were subtle and while it wasn’t like I suddenly woke up one day feeling differently, there have been a lot of definite changes in how I feel and how I handle stress. Even Justin has noticed a difference and commented on it.
Overall, I’m much calmer and more level. I feel less overwhelmed and have an easier time managing changes. I’m better at communicating when things are too much for me instead of just continuing to take things on. I am also better at setting realistic expectations for myself with projects and starting to actually say no to things. I find that taking them regularly forces you to be more aware of your emotions and your feelings, which is very important.
I have noticed that because I am also doing better at taking care of myself emotionally, I am sleeping better and eating better. My stress has often manifested itself in painful muscle knots and an upset stomach. In my month using the flower remedies, I have had significantly fewer knots in my hips and back, and fewer stomach issues as well.
Overall, I am hooked on my custom blend and find it very helpful for my day-to-day emotional and stress support. I am going to continue to take it and see how things change and progress over time.
You can purchase them from BACH, on Amazon, or find them at a store near you.
Have you used any of the BACH Flower Remedies or tried a custom blend before? What was your experience?
Editor’s Note: This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of BACH. The opinions and text are all mine. Some of the product(s) featured in this post were provided by a representative of the company named in this post for editorial consideration. Please note that all reviews are 100% honest and a product would not receive a favorable review unless it provided favorable results.
I’m sorry that you experience so much stress and anxiety. Neither are fun, but it’s somewhat reassuring to know that other people (especially successful people, such as yourself) experience similar feelings to what I experience.
I will admit that taking essential oils and blends internally scares me. I would add that everyone should check with their doctor before experimenting to make sure there aren’t any health concerns or medication interactions that can occur.
I took the questionnaire and the results said that 26 remedies were selected for me , but only 7 remedies can be blended together. That alone makes me feel anxious and overwhelmed.
Hi! I’ve recently ditched all ‘traditional’ and unnatural methods of healing and leaned towards more natural solutions like essential oils and herbs. And I already feel better so I must say that is a great choice!
Wow, this custom blend sounds amazing! You have really intrigued me with these flower based remedies, that is something completely up my alley! I will defy give it a try. If you’re looking for more cruelty-free solutions to deal with excess stress and experience calm I really really recommend the Peppermint Essential Oil by Virginic (https://virginic.com/collections/oils/products/japanese-peppermint-essential-oil). It has so many uses, one of them is to relax muscles and make you feel calm. It worked great for me, as long as you like the minty smell I can guarantee it will work great for you too 😉
You know, I’m sure looking into your problems and thinking about them, and introducing/expanding a daily self-care routine must be helping. The drops don’t even need to do anything, and since they’re homeopathic – it’s funny that you’re supposed to dilute them even further – they probably don’t. YOU are actually what’s helping you! It’s disheartening to see a great blogger like you, who checks facts and tries to get to the bottom of things, advocating woo.
Here’s a better idea: use a drop or two of a nice smelling oil (like with an addition of some essential oil from orange or something) to do a massage of your temples, or hands, or whatever you like. That might be even better, and cheaper! And it will actually contain something. Unless you do want the drops to be neutral and the ritual to be more about like, looking into yourself and stuff. In that case, you can just use water. That’s literally the same thing as any homeopathic “medicine” (unless they’re dry, in which case, it’s probably sugar).