What Does  Cruelty-Free  Mean?

By Tashina Combs logicalharmony.net

Let's find out!

When a brand  says that they are "cruelty-free",  what exactly does that mean?

The term "cruelty-free" relates to a brands animal testing policy.


There is currently no legal definition of the term “cruelty-free” and no regulation of the term.  Because of this, brands can use it to mean anything. Usually, cruelty-free relates to animal testing. It does not relate to the use of animal ingredients.

How is the term cruelty-free defined?

Even brands that test on animals can claim to be cruelty-free.

How does Logical Harmony define cruelty-free?

Since there is no set definition of the term, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

The ingredients used are not tested on animals.

There is no testing during production.

The final product is not tested on animals.

No required by law animal testing.

This includes the brand, suppliers, manufacturers & any third party groups.






Does vegan mean cruelty-free?

No. If a brand is vegan, it does not mean that they are cruelty-free. Vegan means that no animal ingredients are used.

Does vegetarian mean  cruelty-free?

No. If a brand is vegetarian, it does not mean that they are cruelty-free. Vegetarian means that no ingredients from the death of an animal were used.

Does natural mean cruelty-free?

No. If a brand is natural, it does not mean that they are cruelty-free. The term natural is also unregulated but usually refers to the sourcing of ingredients.